5D Promade Pro Fans
LED Moon Beauty Light with Arched Stand
4D PROMADE 1000 Fans
Absolutely love this glue, been trying other glues but always come back to this one. Most accurate drying time and easy to work with
I have been using this glue since day 1, and it has massively helped me to speed up my lashing, and the retention is just OUTSTANDING!! MUST TRY!
From the very beginning of my lashing career I struggled to make fans. The technique I was taught was the bouncing method, and as you can imagine I thought I was going no where for months! I was a customer buying other products from Dlux when I thought to give these lashes a go.. these lashes made me want to cry, jump with joy. Suddenly lashing was easy.. well not easy but easier!! I now up-skill girls who want to learn volume with easy fanning who had the same trouble I did and its so rewarding! I have gone through other brands of easy fanning lashes and these have been the best.
These are the best easy fanning lashes I have used. The quality is so good, and they make handmade volume so much easier.
Parimad ripsmepikendused, mida proovinud olen. Meeldisid ka tavalised mustal põhjal (eriti D kurv kuna see oli rohkem kaardus kui teistel maaletoojatel), kuid minu tehnika puhul on heledamal taustal pisut kergem lehvikuid teha. Töö jäi ilus ning väga tume.
Uued lemmikud! Soovitan proovida ????
Tellisin PC-2 pintsetid ja olen mega rahul. Käele pehmed, hea haakuvuse ja teravusega. Super lihtne lehvikuid valmistada.